Sunday, July 25, 2010

Prayer Request, again

Friends, I'm sorry to ask again, but please be in prayer for me. I've been having lots of large mood swings these past few days, and they are taking a toll on me. I've been able to spend a little time in the Word and in prayer and able to get myself to church, community group, Sunday school and so forth. But at the same time, I've been horribly mad, upset, and not wanting to see or talk to anyone, including my closest friends. And, and yes I know this is hard to believe, I haven't really wanted to be around any sort of little kids lately, I did nursery this morning, and the whole time all I wanted was to be out of that room. Last night I was really excited to help out, I don't know what happened!

I don't know what's going on, but I don't like it. I'm exhausted all the time, but am back to not being able to sleep very much at all. I don't want to eat, even on the rare occasion I feel hungry, food makes me feel nauseous. My mom says it's just my body getting used to being back in school, but I think there is something else going on, possibly something spiritual as I've been trying really hard to spend time with the LORD.

Maybe I am just exhausted from trying to do a summer class, and work 35-40 hours a week at work, which is insanely stressful right now as conversion is next weekend, so we're all really stressed out and snapping at each other pretty regularly.

I'm sorry if it seems like I'm complaining, and according to my mom I just need to pull myself up by my bootstraps and plow my way through everything. If it's not too much to ask though, would you please pray?

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