Thursday, June 30, 2011

Prayer Requests

A couple of days ago I asked God to help me come up with some prayer requests to share with my community group, thinking I'd get one or two, but he gave me a lot more than that, so I thought I'd share them with all of you.  Here they are, in no particular order.

 - Pray for these next weeks as I'm taking a summer class and not going to be able to see my friends as much.

 - Pray for my memory.  I've noticed it getting worse again over the last few weeks.  I'm having a hard time remembering conversations with people, or even what I did a couple of days ago.  I'm worried this will affect my performance in my summer class.

 - Pray for my time with Jen (my psychologist.)  It's really hard for me to go, and I don't really like it, but it's good for me.

 - Pray I would keep fighting.  I think I may be depressed again, and medicine could possibly help, but I think if I went back on it, I'd stop fighting to fix things (beliefs, lies, etc.)

 - Pray I would learn to believe truth in my heart, instead of just knowing it in my head.

 - Pray that I would handle the Feys move well.  They move today, and I'm not sure it's really hit me yet.  But I'm going to have to find something else to do on Tuesday afternoon.

 - Pray for good time in the WORD, and that I would continually seek truth and believe it.

 - Pray that I would be able to see how far I've come and how much God has changed me in the past few months (and years.)

 - Pray that I would continually be overcoming fear by running to God instead.

 - Pray that I would manage my finances more wisely.  That I would learn to steward them well, the way God wants me to, and then actually do that.

 - Pray I would find out where I fit in my church, and where I should be serving.  I usually help with the children's ministry, or nursery ministry, but I have a strong sense that I'm supposed to be doing something else.  Pray that I would begin to learn what my spiritual gifts are and find a place to use them to God's glory.

 - Pray I wouldn't feel guilty asking for, and hopefully receiving love, affirmation, and especially prayer.

1 comment:

  1. We will be praying.

    I finally got my internet going and wanted to tell you how much I missed you this Tuesday.

    You are loved much.

