Thursday, August 11, 2011

I'm Done!

With my summer class that is.  I thought I'd have plenty of time now, but I had a long to-do list today, but I only got about half of it done.  Thankfully the other half didn't have to be done today.  Other than that, there's not really anything new in my life to report.  Still talking through hard stuff with Jen, still working, but that's a little more stressful at the moment, and still trying to balance work, school, church stuff, and friends well.  Feel free to ask any questions you may have, I'm just not so great at coming up with things to say.

Prayer Requests:
 - Pray that I would prepare for my fall classes well.  I need to reteach myself lots of accounting stuff in the next two weeks.

 - Pray that I would continue to talk to Jen well, and that God would lead our meetings.

 - Pray that God would help me catch things up at work and to feel less stressed about work.

 - Pray that I would be having good time with my friends that is encouraging to all of us, instead of just running to them because I'm bored, or something like that.

 - Pray that God would show me where he wants me to start doing ministry.  I think he's telling me to do something with high school students, but so far that's not been very easy to find.

 - Pray that I would learn to manage my money how God intends me to, in a way that honors him.

Thanks for reading friends.  Oh yeah, and I made the blog private again, at least for now, too many people were having issues reading it.  If I notice lots of odd people reading this though, it may get switched back.


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