Monday, June 28, 2010

Sorry, thought of a side note

I once again this summer found out I'm horribly allergic to mosquito bites. I know that many people may say that, but I've had an actual doctor's diagnosis since I was probably 5. Sadly, I didn't remember that I'm supposed to take Benedryl allergy (or the off brand works too) at least once or twice a day, every day from about April, until about October. Which means that I have huge bites on my legs. I've been putting Benedryl cream on them, and they've started to go down a little, which is fine, except that sometimes when they start to shrink, then they get blistered and it's really painful.

I'm hoping to try and get an allergy shot and see if that fixes things so I don't have to take more pills every day, I take enough already.

Sorry for that, I'll let you get back to your regularly programmed lives now.

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