Thursday, May 13, 2010

This may seem strange

Let me tell you a little about myself. I've tried this whole blog thing before, and it didn't work. But strangely enough, today I got this feeling, which I truthfully believe was from God, and it said that I needed to give blogging another go. Maybe this is God's way of getting me though this time in my life.

Most of today was one of the worst days I've had in the past year or so, but this evening, it really turned around. First off, today is the one month anniversary of my Grandpa's death. That may not seem like a big deal, but if you know my story, you will understand why it's really hard. Later on, I met with Kristin. We talked about how she is taking a leave of absence starting the second week in June, so we only had 3 more meetings until then. Then she told me that she has been praying about us, and decided that it would be in my best interest if we don't meet anymore after these last few weeks. Then this evening, I went to a dessert thing for a woman who used to be on staff with The Navigators at UNL, but moved to the University of Washington two years ago. I hadn't talked to her in those two years, but tonight I just felt a strong urge to pull her aside and tell her what had happened during the day. This woman is an amazing prayer warrior and stood and prayed with me for a few minutes. This may seem weird, but it calmed me down and made me think that maybe things will be ok.

You probably understand now why I titled this blog "Ramblings in the Desert". I ramble a lot. I guess I just start typing, then get really nervous about what I'm saying, and wondering if it is coming out right, or if it makes any sense at all, so I just keep rambling. (See, I did it again.) Maybe though, this will help me process all the millions of thoughts racing through my head. I hope someone understood this, and feel free to let me know of any questions/comments you have.

Thanks for listening.

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